About TMM

The Male Montessorian (TMM) project emerged out of frustration with how gender diversification in the early years workforce was framed solely in terms of ‘recruitment of more men’ into the sector, without consideration given to ‘what kind of men’ or the immense variability in gender that exists beyond the binary. Whilst men’s involvement in early years has the potential to unsettle essentialist understandings of gender, it also has the potential to re-instate and sustain cis white heteropatriarchy (See Mohandas, 2021). The work that I hope TMM will do is to unsettle and reconfigure what constitutes ‘The Male Montessorian’, to offer alternative narratives that will enable us to stay with the complexities, and hold space for care-full presents and futures. 

TMM Contributors

Others who have contributed to the blog include Rob Fischbeck, Johnny Jonte Boucher, Jake Cohen, Barbara Isaacs, Wendelien Bellinger, And Pasley, Scott Kerpen, Ashley Speed, Jonathan Cox, Gabriel Salomão, Samuel Williams, Matt Bronsil, David Cahn, Tatenda Blessing Muchiriri, Luca D’Andrea, Michael Dorer, Cornellius Geaney, Nathan Archer, Sara Bloomberg, and Rhett Romsaas.

We are always looking for people to contribute to TMM. If you are interested, please get in touch via the contact form.

TMM Social Media

If you would like to engage in the various discussions at TMM, please join our closed Facebook group or if you would just like general updates follow our public Facebook page.

TMM Social Media Moderators

Sid Mohandas (admin), Jana Morgan Herman (mod), Tammy Oesting (mod), Ashley Speed (mod) & Jake Cohen (mod)